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Int 67 Fn 4E  - LIM EMS - Get Or Set Page Map                              [m]

   AH = 4Eh
   AL = 00h if getting mapping registers
        01h if setting mapping registers
        02h if getting and setting mapping registers at once
        03h if getting size of page-mapping array
   DS:SI -> array holding information (AL=01h/02h)
   ES:DI -> array to receive information (AL=00h/02h)

Return: AH = status
       00h successful
       AL = bytes in page-mapping array (AL=03h only)
       array pointed to by ES:DI receives mapping info (AL=00h/02h)
       80h internal error
       81h hardware malfunction
       84h undefined function requested
       8Fh undefined subfunction parameter
       A3h contents of source array corrupted (EMS 4.0?)

Notes: this function was designed to be used by multitasking operating systems
     and should not ordinarily be used by appplication software.
   MD386 returns the size of the page-mapping array in AX instead of AL

See Also: AH=4Fh

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson